Recommendation: 2019004-20

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Ref # 2019004-20
Status Closed
Occurrence Road Rail Vehicle occurrences on Iarnród Éireann Network
Occurrence Date 24 September 2015
Date Closed 02/09/2020

Basis for Recommendation

The CRR carried out in-depth audits in relation to the operation of RRVs, and in 2014 issued a recommendation in relation to the role of the PIC/RRVC, however, in the five years until the publication of this report, this recommendation was not implemented; an inaction that was identified by the CRR in 2017; and the RAIU have identified that the role of the PIC/RRVC was contributory in a number of RRV incident/accidents between 2015 – 2018 (after the time that the recommendation was made). In addition, Section Q of the Rule Book was re-issued in 2018, without any definitive changes to the allocation of the RRVC as a result the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


The CRR and IÉ-IM should review their processes of closing out findings from CRR audits; with a view to identifying opportunities to close out findings, such as updates to the IÉ Rule Book.