Recommendation: 2022003-06

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Ref # 2022003-06
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Trend investigation into Signals Passed At Stop on the Luas network
Occurrence Date 03 January 2020

Basis for Recommendation

In terms of driver training, there is no minimum activity criteria at Line Signalling System (LSS) locations and a very low minimum activity criteria for depot entry and exit (four times), depot moves (ten times) and operating in degraded mode. There are also issues related to checking signals, reading of Points Position Indicators (PPIs), inputting the Automatic Vehicle Location System (AVLS) and Ready to Start (RTS) requests. As a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Transdev Dublin Light Rail (TDLR) should review its current training regime with a view to increasing training and competency assessment of drivers, in particular in terms of driving in depots and ine Signalling System (LSS) locations and in degraded mode.