Recommendation: 2022003-02

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Ref # 2022003-02
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Trend investigation into Signals Passed At Stop on the Luas network
Occurrence Date 03 January 2020

Basis for Recommendation

In relation to Signal Passed at Stop (SPAS) incidents in depots and Line Signalling System (LSS) locations; consideration should also be given to how verbal instructions are given to drivers from the Luas Network Management Centre (LNMC), the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Transdev Dublin Light Rail (TDLR) should enhance the Tramway Safety Instruction (TSI) Manual operating instructions for all depot and Line Signalling System (LSS) locations based off site-specific risk assessments for the different locations. These enhancements should include step-by-step guidance on how trams are moved at these locations; this should include how verbal permissions are granted by Luas Network Management Centre (LNMC).