Recommendation: 202103-04

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Ref # 202103-04
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Person entrapped in lowered CCTV level crossing, Ashfield, Offaly, 24th May 2020
Occurrence Date 24 May 2020

Basis for Recommendation

In seven incidents of similar occurrences, members of the public (MOPs) took refuge close to or adjacent to the barrier machines, making them difficult to decipher (especially in two incidents), as a result, the RAIU make the follow safety recommendation (AO-03):


Iarnród Éireann Infrastructure Manager (IÉ-IM) should develop a means to make MOPs more visible should they become trapped inside level crossing barriers and position themselves adjacent to level crossing furniture or other infrastructure; where this cannot be achieved consideration should be given to examining possible initiatives or technologies that could be introduced to provide aid and assistance to Level Crossing Control Operatives (LCCOs) in identifying persons/obstacles that maybe trapped within the confines of a level crossing.