Recommendation: 202103-01

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Ref # 202103-01
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Person entrapped in lowered CCTV level crossing, Ashfield, Offaly, 24th May 2020
Occurrence Date 24 May 2020

Basis for Recommendation

In terms of the “Signal Control” buttons, unique to Mid-Section CCTV Crossing, which allows Level Crossing Control Operatives (LCCOs) to take alternative actions to those prescribed in the Level Crossing Control Centre (LCCC) Instructions, in that they can operation the “Signal Controls” to cancel and request the level crossing protecting signals after the level crossing has been cleared, it was noted that there was one other instance of the LCCO not immediately pressing the “Emergency Alert” to the “On” position from the similar occurrence. The RAIU concur with the IÉ-IM action, namely that “The SET Department and the Infrastructure Manager Operations Department are to conduct a review into the possibility of removing the signal cancel function from the LCCO’s consoles in the Athlone and Mallow Crossing Control Centres.” (CoF-01, AO-01). However, the RAIU consider that further consideration should be given to the additional step of requesting the signals after the crossing has been cleared; where a LCCO may forget to do this, in error, there is potential for a Category A SPAD (AO-02). As a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation (CaF-03, CoF-01):


Iarnród Éireann Infrastructure Manager (IÉ-IM) Signalling, Electrical and Telecommunications (SET) Department should, using a risk-based approach, consider the suitability of the “Signal Controls” functions for Mid-Section CCTV Crossings; should they be deemed to have an unacceptable level of risk, they should be removed from the LCCO’s console.