Recommendation: 202103-02

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Ref # 202103-02
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Person entrapped in lowered CCTV level crossing, Ashfield, Offaly, 24th May 2020
Occurrence Date 24 May 2020

Basis for Recommendation

In terms of the “Crossing Clear” buttons, on the day of the incident, LCCO1 did not see the MOPs in the confines of the LC XA 068. The similar occurrences also show other examples of when LCCOs fail to see MOPs trapped in the level crossings. As a means of assisting LCCOs in establishing if the confines of the Level Crossing are clear of vehicles, pedestrians or other obstructions; a time delay should be considered for incorporation into the sequence to encourage LCCOs sufficient time to thoroughly examine the confined area of the level crossing. As a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation (CaF-02):


Iarnród Éireann Infrastructure Manager (IÉ-IM) Signalling, Electrical and Telecommunications (SET) should, consider introducing a time delay between the “Crossing Clear” buttons to prevent the LCCO pressing the second Crossing Clear button until the first Crossing Clear button times out. This time can be spent checking the confines of the level crossing for vehicles, pedestrians or other obstructions.