Recommendation: 2023005-06

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Ref # 2023005-06
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Self-detrainment of passengers between Shankill & Bray, 24th July 2022
Occurrence Date 24 July 2022

Basis for Recommendation

The RAIU consider that “manual announcements” by drivers needs enhancement. It is acknowledged that the Ontrain Customer Communications Booklet addresses the need to communicate and at what intervals, however, it does not include information in relation to encouraging passengers to remain on trains in the case of major disruptions.


IÉ-RU should review its Ontrain Customer Communications Booklet and Professional Driving Handbook, and provide drivers with additional training, to enhance driver communications with passengers. The documentation and training should consider best practice and, at a minimum, the following requirements:

  • An initial announcement to be made within a specified short period of time, even if the reason for the delay is not known at that point;
  • A further announcement to be made as soon as further information is available about the cause and likely consequences of the delay;
  • Further announcements, at specified intervals, should be made whenever new facts suitable for informing and/or reassuring passengers become available;
  • In critical conditions, announcements should be made to dissuade passengers from detraining, these should include making announcements highlighting the risks involved with detraining and their safest option is to remain on the train.