Recommendation: 2023005-05

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Ref # 2023005-05
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Self-detrainment of passengers between Shankill & Bray, 24th July 2022
Occurrence Date 24 July 2022

Basis for Recommendation

IÉ had promoted the use of the DART as a means to travel to the Bray Air Display resulting in large numbers using the DART service. During the event, the scale of travelling passengers, was not conveyed to those passenger at stations or through social media.


IÉ-RU should review its planning and management processes for large events, considerations should be given to:

  • How and what information is provided to passengers prior to the event (such as information in relation to predicted scale of passengers using the trains and likely conditions for their journey in order to manage passengers’ expectations).
  • How passengers’ expectations are managed for the duration of the event (such as using real time information and making this freely available through passenger announcements at stations and on the IÉ App and social media accounts).