Recommendation: 2023002-01

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Ref # 2023002-01
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Collision with track equipment between Newbridge and Kildare, 27th August 2021
Occurrence Date 27 August 2021

Basis for Recommendation

The ES instructed the work party to access the T3 Possession to enter onto the work site (as the ES erroneously thought that the last train had passed through the worksite), without the authorisation of the PICOP; a violation of the requirements set out in the IÉ Rule Book. The work party entered the work site, as they accepted authority of the IÉ-IM ES's position, and assumed they were safe to enter the T3 Possession. This level of acceptance indicates an element of "authority gradient". In order to address this, the RAIU consider that some form of Authority Number should be issued, by the Signalman, and all staff members working, onsite, should have this Authority Number prior to accessing the T3 Possession; as a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


IÉ-IM should consider developing a system, whereby Signalmen must provide a Unique Possession Authority Number, or similar, when authorising T3 Possessions to the PICOP; this number or safeguard should be provided to all staff prior to entering a T3 Possession.