Recommendation: 2020001-09

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Ref # 2020001-09
Status Closed
Occurrence Passenger trap-and-drag on Luas tram at Heuston Stop, 26th March 2019
Occurrence Date 26 March 2019
Date Closed 21/10/2020

Basis for Recommendation

The drivers involved in the four incidents outlined in this report were not tested for drugs and alcohol; despite their actions being contributory to the incidents. Although, it should be noted that the RAIU have no reason to believe that drugs and alcohol contributed to these four incidents, Transdev’s current policy is ambiguous in what a safety critical accident/incident is and there are no incident/accident types specifically identified where drivers must be tested; in addition, there is means of formally documenting why testing occurred or did not occur. As a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Transdev should update their drugs and alcohol policy to include explicit requirements that testing is conducted post incident/accident where the actions of a driver may have contributed to the incident/accident. Transdev should also develop a system whereby a decision not to test an individual is documented with clear justification for the decision