Recommendation: 2020001-06

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Ref # 2020001-06
Status Further Evidence Requested
Occurrence Passenger trap-and-drag on Luas tram at Heuston Stop, 26th March 2019
Occurrence Date 26 March 2019

Basis for Recommendation

There appears to be an over-reliance by drivers on the Traction Control Management System Console for confirmation that doors are closed and locked; and there appears to be a lack of understanding in relation to the 10 mm allowance for obstacle detection. Staff in Transdev appear not to have a clear understanding in obstacle detection also. To assist drivers in fully understanding the door operation mechanism, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Transdev should brief drivers on the operation of the door mechanism, and specifically explain the removal of obstacle detection for the final 10 mm of door travel; this briefing
should then be incorporated into their suite of training and competence management documents.