Recommendation: 2016-005

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Ref # 2016-005
Status Closed
Occurrence Investigation into SPADs on the IÉ network from January 2012 to July 2015
Occurrence Date 01 January 2012
Date Closed 31/12/2021

Basis for Recommendation

The placement of drivers on a Driver Development & Support System was viewed to be a punitive measure; rather than its intended function as a method of redeveloping driving skills and supporting the drivers in returning to driving duties, after a Signal Passed At Danger event.


Iarnród Éireann (Railway Undertaking) should review the culture within the company so that actions taken after Signals Passed At Danger (SPADs) supports learning within the driver grades should errors occur, and that the Driver Development & Support System is used for redeveloping competence in driving skills and supporting the drivers in returning to driving duties, after a SPAD event.