Recommendation: 2023003-01

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Ref # 2023003-01
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Collision of an RRV Dumper with a member of Iarnród Éireann infrastructure maintenance staff, Tivoli, Cork, 6th July 2022
Occurrence Date 06 July 2022

Basis for Recommendation

Although, the new Personal Track Safety (PTS) Handbook states that “when trains are travelling, they will always display white lights in the front and red lights in the rear. This will give you a visual indication as to the direction they are travelling, “white lights” are coming towards you, or “red lights” are travelling away from you”, this is not included in the PTS Certification training material.


IÉ-IM PTS Certification training should include training on the head lights and tail lights for trains (“white lights” are coming towards you, or “red lights” are travelling away from you); and, specifically, for RRV Dumper, explain the configurable directional lights and the requirement to have red lights displayed at both ends when stationary.