Recommendation: 2022002-01

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Ref # 2022002-01
Status Further Evidence Requested
Occurrence Near miss with an Iarnród Éireann CCE Worker near Gormanston Station, 21st July 2021
Occurrence Date 21 July 2021

Basis for Recommendation

The Chief Civil Engineer's Department member of staff (CCE Worker) placed himself in a position of danger despite being ecperienced and aware of the requirements of the Iarnród Éireann Rule Book as there was no additional "prompt" for him to consider his own safety.


The Iarnród Éireann Infrastructure Manager (IÉ-IM) Chief Civil Engineer's Department (CCE) should develop a formalised process, through their Safety Management System suite of documents, for IÉ-IM CCE staff walking/ working alone, which should be completed prior to any member of CCE staff going on or near the line; at a minimum consideration should be given to:

  • Whether it is necessary to go on or near the line to conduct the walk / work;
  • What local knowledge is required to walk /work safely;
  • Whether all the requirements of the IÉ Rule Book / Safe System of Work (SSOW) can be met;
  • What special protection arrangements are required either at night or during the day.