Recommendation: 20210301 USAN-03-01

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Ref # 20210301 USAN-03-01
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence USAN 03 - Review of Safety Critical Communications - Luas possession irregularity at Suir Road
Occurrence Date 05 January 2021

Basis for Recommendation

The RAIU were notified that a section of track adjacent to the Suir Road was isolated to facilitate high level inspection maintenance. While the section was in the process of being isolated, a tram travelling to the Red Cow Depot entered the isolated section. The RAIU reviewed the voice communications related to the incident, this review found the safety critical communications to be of poor standard and not in keeping with the Transdev Dublin Light Rail  requirements.


TDLR should urgently undertake a review of their safety critical communications for all modes of communication.

Whilst the USAN above should process with immediate effect, the RAIU consider that TDLR should:

  • Develop and publish a concise standard for safety critical communications for all modes of communication; 
  • Implement a robust competency management programme for initial and refresher training based on the requirements of this new standard;
  • Continuously assess safety critical communications to ensure that staff are adhering to safety critical communications set out in the new standard.